A list of TV shows and a description of their content and potential triggers around sexual trauma, sexual assault, rape, childhood sexual abuse and other forms of sexual violence.
Alisa joins Ignacio Rivera on their show Connecting the Dots to discuss the 2002 Jennifer Lopez classic “Enough” and the healing power of revenge fantasies.
In my first article for Allure, I interviewed Amita Swadhin, Ignacio Rivera and Aishah Simmons three LGBTQI child sex abuse (CSA) survivors of color who are…
Alisa Zipursky discusses how harmful the term “daddy issues” is and how being told she has daddy issues has impacted her life. We discuss slut-shaming, judging womxn and girls for how they survive sexual trauma and abuse from parents, and the gender double standard around saying someone has “daddy issues.”
Listening to the voices of black women and girls who have been speaking their truth to power about R Kelly’s abuse for decades and following their lead in holding powerful popular figures accountable for child sex abuse.
This week Tarana Burke, the found of the Me Too Movement gave her first TED Talk, titled “Me Too is a movement, not a moment.” It has such a tremendous impact…
I wrote about Brett Kavanaugh and what it’s like as a childhood sexual trauma survivor to hear people dismiss Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s claims because he was “just a teenager” and it was “such a long time ago.”
8 questions to never as a child sex abuse survivor, including questions that can lead to victim-blaming and stigmatizing mental illnesses such as Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).